
Review: Capilla Ardiente – Bravery, Truth and Endless Darkness (LP 2014 High Roller)

 I know I'm definitely not alone to have been absolutely blown away by Procession's last album To Reap Heavens Apart released last year, such a monumental creation of doom. So the news that half of Procession apparently also are in Capilla Ardiente were very well received. Thus the similarities between the bands are of course many, still you're absolutely able to tell that they are two different bands.
 As Procession are slightly more melody driven with a distinct heavy metal influence constantly present, the feeling you get when the tones of Bravery, Truth and Endless Darkness blasts out through the speakers is that this is more riff oriented, and only about 100% pure doom, and nothing else. Although it's a very strong album, it doesn't really have me by the throat the same way that the last Procession-album, but it's not far behind. Both bands are are simply responsible of creating some of the absolute best doom that you'll find these days. 7.5/10 /H

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