
Review: Demon Bitch – Death Is Hanging... (Dying Victims 2014 MC)

 From Detroit, Michigan, comes this heavy metal outfit that brings us four new tracks in form of their new EP. I suspect that I'm not the first to make this comparison, and that they might be tired of hearing it, but it does sound a lot like fellow local band Borrowed Time (I even think I've read that they share(d?) some band members). But since their mighty first album was one of my top five releases last year (which was an unbelievably strong year) it's shouldn't be taken as anything but positive feedback.

 Both bands features the same kind of timeless heavy metal, analogue sounding production, and most of all the incredibly charismatic and kind of theatrical vocals, that stands out in a way that is very rare these days. The first album by Sweden's Portrait also comes to mind. Might be regarded as a bit strange and weird to some at the first acquaintance, but just listen to it twice, and hopefully you'll see the uniqueness and brilliance in this. I'll add that I really hope we've haven't seen the last of this band yet, the though of what Demon Bitch could be able to achieve in the full-length format is stunning. 7.5/10 /H

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